Location: 28688 Aldergate (Aldergate Rd & Menifee Rd)
Administration: Valley Wide - (951) 672-6744
Size: 7 acres
Hours of Operation: 6:00am to 10:00pm
Park Amenities:
Playground facilities
Baseball diamond
Drinking fountain
Off leash dog park

Aldergate Park also offers what appears to be tennis courts, however, there are no fences to contain flying balls, it's hardly usable as a tennis court. It might better off as a badminton court, or possibly a volleyball court.

Aldergate Park also hosts the only off-leash dog park in Menifee Valley. It's technically a flood control basin, however Valley Wide doesn't mind it being used for dogs.
Aldergate Park News - from the Archives of Menifee 24/7
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